What process was used to evaluate the restructuring?
In 2018-2019, an Integration Team (I-Team) was assembled to conduct a comprehensive review of Northeastern’s existing health and safety infrastructure. This review included a comprehensive internal evaluation and external peer review process. The result of this evaluation was the creation of a new role on campus, the Associate Vice Provost of Education and Research Safety. Marne Smith was hired to fulfill this role in 2020. Subsequently, an effective realignment expertise and resources between Facilities leadership and the Office of the Provost resulted in the creation of the Office of Academic and Research Safety and the Environmental Compliance and Occupational Safety office, along with the establishment of Safety Leadership Council.
When will these changes take effect?
The transition of EH&S into OARS and ECOS has been underway throughout the 2021-2022 academic year and culminates with this announcement and website launch. The Safety Leadership Council launched on April 7, 2022.
I work in a research lab. How do these changes affect me?
Research and academic labs will continue to receive all usual services from OARS, and their groups will continue to be maintained in the BioRAFT risk management platform. OARS will continue to service the hazardous chemical waste pickups from labs through our vendor. Other types of hazardous waste management may be handled by ECOS.
What if I have indoor air quality or mold concerns?
The ECOS group will handle all mold and indoor air concerns. The OARS group will be brought in by ECOS specifically when needed for technical assistance.
Is the contact information the same?
Emails sent to ehs@northeastern.edu will still reach us.
OARS updated information is oars@northeastern.edu and the phone number is unchanged: 617-373-2769.
ECOS updated information is ecos@northeatern.edu and the phone number is 617-595-7165.