

Working Remotely? 

Check out our Work-From-Home resources.

Making work more comfortable.

At home, in the classroom, the lab, and in the office, our tools can help you increase your comfort at work and minimize musculoskeletal fatigue.

We offer a variety of resources including: 

  • Support to ADA Team
  • Group training for offices and departments
  • Work-From-Home (WFH) resources and tools to support comfort during remote work
  • Self-evaluation tools for your workstation

Ergonomics resources we like:


Q: Where can I learn more about improving my office setup?  

A: The OfficeErgo  online training program is available. This program is recommended to help you understand the risk factors and to evaluate your workstation. Click HERE to take the course in BioRAFT, the OARS Risk Management Platform.

Note: Course opens up best in FIREFOX. Chrome users must enable FLASH.  

Q: HELP! I am in pain and need an ergonomics evaluation ASAP. How quickly can you come? 

A: An ergonomic evaluation is not medical treatment, and our staff cannot diagnose or treat your symptoms. What we can do is help you to optimize your workstation to support your recovery and keep you working in neutral postures.

If you are in pain: Please seek medical attention immediately. Notify your medical provider if you suspect that the symptoms are associated with work tasks and activities.

If you have a chronic medical condition or disability, the following will lead you to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) resources on campus:

If you are returning to work following a leave of absence, and your physician has recommended specific equipment and/or an evaluation of your workstation due to your medical condition, then please contact They will pull in expert assistance where needed.  

Q: I would like a Sit/Stand workstation* (*or other equipment). How do I get one? Do I NEED to schedule an ergonomics evaluation to get one?  

A: NO, You don’t need to get an ergonomics evaluation to ask for equipment.

The first step is to schedule a time to speak with your supervisor. Discuss your concerns and why you feel like this equipment is needed to optimize your comfort and your productivity.

Want to check out chairs and other furnishings on contract with Northeastern? Contact NU PREF Design and Construction team HERE. 

Q: Does the EHS office buy the equipment we need?  

A: No. At Northeastern University, all purchases of equipment or furnishings are financed at the office or department level. EHS does not purchase, authorize or install any office furniture or equipment. Our role is to provide technical expertise and training for workstation problem solving and to provide specific recommendations. Sometimes we can lend sample products for evaluation. 

Q:  So, what do I do to get an in-person evaluation?  

Q:  I noticed a co-worker has cool equipment. How can I get the same equipment? 

A:The first step is speak with your supervisor. At Northeastern University, all final purchase decisions are determined at the office or department level.  

Q:  Can your office provide Ergonomics Training for our Department or Office? 

A: YES. Please contact our office. We prefer to provide training to whole office teams, or group, and/or as part of a redesign process. 

Q: Any other tips on workstation setup? 

A: YES – please see the links to our favorite ergonomics resources. 

Workstation Design


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