Bloodborne Pathogens Program 


  • The Biosafety program provides services to support research with human, non-human primate and other bloodborne pathogen materials as covered by the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard that may contain potentially infectious pathogens (HIV, HBV, HCV or other). 
  • Bloodborne pathogen material(s) include: human and non-human primate materials (blood, cells, tissues, fluids, and secretions that are potentially infectious). 
  • Principal investigator(s) and research area(s) involved in research with BBP materials require prior approval of biological research registration(s), work at BSL-2 containment, an Exposure Control Plan, Lab-specific exposure control plan, and documentation of Hepatitis B Vaccination Declination Form.  NOTE: Only employees are required to complete the Hep B forms. 
  • Training: Please note that our Biosafety I & II training programs include and meet the requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) program. Once the Biosafety training programs are complete it is NOT necessary to take the BBP course.





BPP Training for Clinical Professionals/Health Sciences Programs

I am a Bouvé College student. How do I obtain Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) training?

To help prepare you for working in healthcare clinics or facilities, we provide training on Bloodborne Pathogens in compliance with the OSHA standard.  For more information, contact the Biosafety Team (below) or your Department Safety Office (DSO) / College Safety officer (CSO). OARS provides some of the training support for the initial BBP training.


Contact Biosafety

Phone:     617.373.2769 

Northeastern University

Office of Academic and Research Safety/OARS
320 Renaissance Park
1135 Tremont Street

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