Report A Concern

See Something? Say Something.

Are you seeing something that feels unsafe? You have several options for reporting a safety concern in your laboratory, shop, makerspace or studio.  

  • Raise the concern with your immediate supervisor. If you are not satisfied with the response, speak with your principal investigator (PI).
  • Department Safety Officers (DSOs) are tasked with supporting safety in academic and research environments. Here is the DSO list.
  • ObservNow, an app within SciShield, can be accessed by every member of the NU community through your SciShield homepage . You can use this feature to directly or anonymously report concerns, provide us feedback and submit photographs.
  • Contact our team directly by email or phone below.
  • Submit other concerns to EthicsPoint as part of NU’s Whistleblower Policy. 

Our Policy


The University strongly encourages all faculty, staff and students to report suspected or actual wrongful conduct through channels that the University establishes for such reporting and to perform all research activities in a lawful manner.

No University faculty, administrator, staff or student may interfere with the good faith reporting of suspected or actual wrongful conduct; no individual who makes such a good faith report shall be subject to retaliation, including harassment or any adverse employment, academic or educational consequence resulting from making a report. The University will take whatever action is necessary and appropriate to address a violation of this policy.

We Are Here to Help

Here are some resources to assist you.

Contact Us

For general inquiries please contact OARS.

Phone:     617.373.2769 

Northeastern University

Office of Academic and Research Safety/OARS
320 Renaissance Park, 1135 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02115

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